Best Month To Visit Hanoi

May 31, 2019 GoAsiaDayTrip 0 Comments

Travelling activities depend greatly on the weather and climate of a destination. Choosing the proper travelling time may come as one of the top priorities among visitors. If your next journey now calls for Hanoi – one of the most bustling and vibrant capitals in Southeast Asia, well-known as a place rich in cultural and historical values, what is the best month to visit Hanoi? Keep exploring further in the following parts of the article to find the answer to the question.

One-pillar Pagoda - best month to visit hanoi
One-pillar Pagoda – Internet photo

1. The beautiful Hanoi at glance:

The capital city has been through more than 1,000 years old and has witnessed plenty of crucially important events of the country throughout ages. Considered as the heart of the nation, Hanoi is the cultural, social and economical hub of Vietnam. Thanks to all these, when visiting Hanoi, you will have the ample chance to both experience an old and a new Hanoi well presented in its scenery, its people and its lifestyle.

temple of literature - best month to visit hanoi
Temple of Literature – Internet photo

2. What is the best month to visit Hanoi?

Before jumping to the answer, we should learn something about the weather of the city, shouldn’t we?

Weather in Hanoi – Best month to visit Hanoi:

Peach blossom in Hanoi spring - best month to visit hanoi
Peach blossom in Hanoi spring – Internet photo

Located in the northern part of Vietnam, the climate of Hanoi has the characteristics of the tropical monsoon climate and can be divided into four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Tran Quoc Pagoda in summer
Tran Quoc Pagoda in summer – Internet photo

Hanoi’s spring usually starts in January and ends in April. Summer lasts from May to July. Fall occurs around August, September and October. Winter normally comes in November and ends in January next year.
hanoi in winter - best month to visit hanoi

However, the division of season by month is only relative. The start and end time of each season in one year is usually not the same.

Best month to visit Hanoi:

No need to beating about the bush anymore, here comes with the answer to your concern:
The best month to visit Hanoi is in the months of fall from August, September, October. Because at this time, the rainy season in Hanoi often ends giving a clear blue sky and a cool air and the sun is not too harsh. All creates the best condition for visitors to have the most wonderful Hanoi trips.
hanoi in fall - best month to visit hanoi

Autumn in Hanoi impresses visitors by the roads flooded with yellow leaves, the scent of passionate milk flowers, the blue sky, the bright yellow sun and the cool breeze of wind. Also in this level, Hanoi becomes fresh thanks to thousands of flower species flourishing.
Walking in Hanoi in the autumn days, visitors can easily see the shape of bunches of daisies in all colors: white, yellow, purple; Herbaceous flowers, sunflowers and somewhere there is the passionate aroma of milk flowers.

3. How to enjoy a charming Hanoi in autumn – Best month to visit Hanoi:

What to do in Hanoi in autumn?

Hanoi seems to look beautiful everywhere when autumn comes. We may not have any difficulty when searching for places to visit during this time. Taking a Hanoi City day tour to get around every corner of the city, paying a visit to its handicraft villages to discover the enticing local life or choosing a tranquil café in Hanoi Old Quarter to have from-heaven-to-hell conversations with local and foreign friends are just some activities among top things to do in Hanoi you can refer to.
More interestingly, if you come right at the mid-autumn festival in Hanoi, remember to head to these exciting places to fulfil your trip.

What to eat in Hanoi in autumn – Best month to visit Hanoi:

Vietnamese people have a common saying: “mùa nào thức nấy”, literally translated as just eating right food at the right season. The saying shows how the local people enjoy food in different seasons.

 Stuffed sticky rice balls - best month to visit hanoi
Stuffed sticky rice balls – Photo from Cuon n Roll

Thus, when in Hanoi, do as Hanoians do with Top 5 “Must Try” Specialties In Hanoi In Autumn.

Where to stay in Hanoi – Best month to visit Hanoi:

To better plan for your Hanoi trip, let’s check out some of our suggestions for where to stay in Hanoi with the following articles:
Now that you’ve found the answer to your question of best month to visit Hanoi. Do you have any other concerns? Let us know in the comment below. Have a great trip then!

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